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Hardware and Software Plans

Use the comparison charts below to help determine which hardware and subscription plan is best for your needs.
All hardware and subscription plans can be ordered through our online store or you can call and talk to a sales representitive @ 888-382-7685, option 1
For large quantity orders, please call your sales representitive for additional discounts.

Compare Players and Costs

Digital Signage Players - Costs
Use the comparison chart below to help determine which player is best for your needs.
Need help?  Call us and one of our consulatants can help!
Adaptive Player 1232
Retail  $270.00
Your Cost  $256.50
Adaptive Player 1232DR
Retail  $419.99
Your Cost  $321.75
Adaptive Player 2260
Retail  $650.00
Your Cost  $539.50
Adaptive Player 3260
Retail  $850.00
Your Cost  $765.00

Compare Subscription Plans

Digital Signage Software Subscriptions
Use the comparison chart below to help determine which plan is best for your needs.
All subscription plans can be ordered through our online store or you can call and talk to a sales representitive
@ 888-382-7685, option 1

Call Now For A Free Demo Account!

(888) 382-7685

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